

Starting a companion

idb_companion --udid UDID

Starts up a companion process for a target specified by its UDID. On macs idb can spawn a companion automatically on connect

--udid UDIDSpecify the target device / simulator
--port PORTPort to start on10882
--log-file-path PATHPath to write a log file to e.g ./output.logLogs to stdErr
--device-set-path PATHPath to the custom device set if used
--daemon-host HOSTAuto connect to a daemon
--daemon-host PORTAuto connect to a daemon
--serving-host HOSTHostname to report to the daemon

Starting a notifier

idb_companion --notify FILE_PATH

Starts up a companion process in the notifier mode. in this mode the companion will find out what simulators/devices are available and write that output to the file path specified. A notifier is always spawned automatically if the idb cli is called on a mac.

Boot a simulator

idb boot UDID

When running locally idb can boot an installed simulator. To see a list of the available targets try idb list-targets


Connect a target

To use the idb client with a target, first its companion must be connected.

To connect to an existing companion run:


In the local case you can connect via UDID, idb will also spawn a companion for you.

idb connect TARGET_UDID

Disconnect a target

idb disconnect TARGET_UDID

Tell idb to forget about a specific companion. This will not kill the companion.

List connected targets

idb list-targets

List all of the targets idb can currently communicate with.

This will be all targets that have been connected through idb connect as well as any that could be booted if idb is running locally.

Describe a target

idb describe

Returns metadata about the specified target, including:

  • UDID
  • Name
  • Screen dimensions and density
  • State (booted/...)
  • Type (simulator/device)
  • iOS version
  • Architecture
  • Information about its companion

General arguments

--udid UDIDUDID of the targetIf only one target is connected it'll use that one
--jsonJSON structured output where applicableFalse


List apps

idb list-apps

Lists the targets installed applications and their metadata, including:

  • Bundle ID
  • Name
  • Install type (user, system)
  • Architectures
  • Running status
  • Debuggable status

Install an app

idb install

Installs the given .app or .ipa.

Launch an app

idb launch

Any environment variables that are prefixed with IDB_ will be set on the launched app, with that prefix removed.

Custom launch arguments can also be provided by appending them to the end of the command.

By default idb launch will fail if the app is already running, this can be overruled with -f/--foreground-if-running.

To tail the output of the launched process provide the -w/--wait-for flag. The stdout and stderr of the app will be streamed back until the app exits, or is killed with ^C.

Kill a running app

idb terminate

Kills an app with the given bundle ID.

Uninstalling an app

idb uninstall com.facebook.Facebook

Removes an app from the target.


Install a test bundle

idb xctest install

Before a test can be run through idb it must first be installed on the target.

Both .xctest and .xctestrun files can be installed with this command.

List installed tests

idb xctest list

Lists all of the tests installed on a target.

List tests inside a bundle

idb xctest list-bundle com.facebook.myAppTests

Lists all of the individual tests inside a test bundle.

Running tests

Environment variables that are prefixed with IDB_ will be passed through to the test run with that prefix removed, also any arguments appended to the end of the idb command will be supplied as arguments to the test run

=## Run a UI test=

Note that APP_BUNDLE_ID should be that of the app you want to test, not the 'Runner' app xcode produces. TEST_HOST_APP_BUNDLE_ID is the id of 'Runner' app.


Run a logic test

Logic tests allow you to run tests on iOS Simulators that don't need an app's environment to happen (e.g.: Unit tests on libraries)

idb xctest run logic TEST_BUNDLE_ID

Run an app test

idb xctest run app TEST_BUNDLE_ID APP_BUNDLE_ID

Debug an app

Starting a debug session

idb debugserver start BUNDLE_ID

Starts a debug session. The output will be similar to process connect connect://localhost:10881 and it will be used to start the lldb. In another terminal, type in the command lldb, which will start the lldb. There, type the output of the start command to connect the debug server.

Stop a debug session

idb debugserver stop

Stops a running debug session.

Information about a debug session

idb debugserver status

Display metadata about any running debug sessions.

File commands

The idb file commands allow for managing files on a target, or moving them to/from a remote host.

All paths on a target are relative to a specific applications data container.

Copy a file to a target

idb file push src1.jpg src2.jpg dest_1 --bundle-id BUNDLE_ID

Copies files from this host to an apps data container at the specified path.

Fetch a file form a target

idb file pull src.txt dest.txt --bundle-id BUNDLE_ID

Copies a file from an apps data container to the host machine.

Move a file between apps

idb file mv src1.jpg src2.jpg dest_1 --bundle-id BUNDLE_ID

Move source file(s) from one location in an apps data container to a different path in the same container.

Make a new directory

idb file mkdir FOLDER_NAME --bundle-id BUNDLE_ID

Creates a new folder within the apps data container.

Remove a path on a target

idb file rm PATH_A PATH_B --bundle-id BUNDLE_ID

Removes the specified paths within an apps data container.

If a folder is specified to be deleted, all of its contents will be removed recursively.

List a path on a target

idb file ls PATH --bundle-id BUNDLE_ID

Returns a list of all the files present at the given path within an apps data container.


For simulators we provide a handful of commands for emulating HID events.


idb ui tap X Y

Taps a location on the screen specified in the points coordinate system. The tap duration can be set with --duration


idb ui swipe X_START Y_START X_END Y_END

Swipes from the specified start point to the end. By default this will be done by a touch down at the start point, followed by moving 10 points at a time until the end point is reached. The size of each step can be specified with --delta.

Press a button


Simulates a press of the specified button. The press duration can be set with --duration.

Inputting text

idb ui text "some text"

Types the specified text into the target.

idb ui key 4

Simulates the press of a key specified by its keycode. The key presses duration can be set with --duration.

idb ui key-sequence 4 5 6

Inputs multiple key events sequentially.

Accessibility info

Describe the whole screen

idb ui describe-all

Returns a JSON formatted list of all the elements currently on screen, including their bounds and accessibility information.

Describe a point

idb ui describe-point X Y

Returns JSON formatted information about a specific point on the screen, if an element exists there.


Reset Idb

idb kill

idb stores information about available companions in a local file. this command clears these files and kills the idb notifier if one is running.

Focus a simulators window

idb focus

Brings a simulators window to the foreground.

Install a .dylib

idb dylib install test.dylib

Installs a .dylib on the target. This can then be injected into apps on launch.


idb instruments TEMPLATE

Starts instruments running connected to the target

Record a video

idb record video OUTPUT_MP4

Starts recording the targets screen, outputting the content to the specified path. The recording can be stopped by pressing ^C.


idb log

Tail logs from a target, uses the standard log(1) stream arguments

Open a url

idb open

Opens the specified URL on the target. This works both with web addresses and URL schemes present on the target.

Clear the keychain

idb clear_keychain

For simulators idb can clear the entire keychain.

Set a simulators location

idb set_location LAT LONG

Overrides a simulators location to the latitude, longitude pair specified.

Add media

idb add-media cat.jpg

Files supplied to this command will be placed in the targets camera roll. Most common image and video file formats are supported.


idb approve photos camera

For simulators idb can programmatically approve permission for an app. Currently idb can approve:

  • photos - Permission to view the camera roll
  • camera - Permission to access the camera
  • contacts - Permission to access the targets contacts

Add contacts

idb contacts update db.sqlite

For simulators idb can overwrite the simulators contacts db.

Crash logs

idb includes several commands for fetching and managing a targets crash logs.

List crash logs

idb crash list

Fetches a list of crash logs present on the target. The results can be filtered by providing --before/--since/--bundle-id.

Fetch a crash log

idb crash show CRASH_NAME

Fetches the crash log with the specified name

Delete crash logs

idb crash delete CRASH_NAME
idb crash delete --before/--since/--all X

Deletes crash logs, either specified by name or all those matching the provided filters --before/--since/--bundle-id/--all.